Code of honour

Article 1
Legionnaire, you are a volunteer, serving France with honour and fidelity.

Article 2
Each legionnaire is your brother in arms whatever his nationality, his race or his religion might be. You show to him the same close solidarity that links the members the same family.

Article 3
You respect your traditions and your superiors. Discipline and friendship are your strengths. Courage and honesty are your virtues.

Article 4
You are proud of being a legionnaire. You are always well mannered and smart. Your behaviour is of the best. You are always modest and your quarters are always clean and tidy.

                        Article 5
You are an elite soldier who is rigorous with himself. You consider your weapon as your most precious possession. You constantly maintain your physical fitness.

Article 6
Your mission is sacred. It is carried out until the end, in respect of the law, the customs of war International Conventions, if needs be, at the risk of your own life.

 Article 7
In combat you act without passion or hatred. You respect vanquished enemies. You never surrender your dead, your wounded, or your weapons.

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